Welcome to the EY-Parthenon StratPack 2018 ! This ‘Global ‘edition constitutes a comprehensive update of the most widely-used strategy frameworks. About 125 have been selected, synthesized and enriched with examples while using quantitative methods and financial concepts that are taught alongside. It is a unique and comprehensive reference guide, which we are now happy to make available to all. The StratPack is one of the initiatives we have been engaging not only to homogenize our learning material, but also to unify our practices across the EY Strategy community. Although it has already incorporated contributions from most regions, it is to remain a living platform subject to continuous improvement. So, chime in if you feel we should add or amend any of the material. Finally, I want to express my profound thanks to all those who participated in this exhilarating initiative. May the StratPack educate and enthuse you !
Pour mon premier livre imprimé en auto-édition, j’ai fait toutes sortes de recherches d’imprimeur. Ce qui m’a décidé d’opter pour Copy-media c’est, outre le prix, le rapport direct avec...